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When to Start Planning for Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2024

By: Arctic Leaf Team | Sep 9, 2024 | 6 Minute Read

To make the most of Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2024, early planning is key. With more than half of consumers beginning their holiday shopping or researching for Black Friday as early as October, it’s important to start preparing now. 

In this blog, we’ll give you 10 actionable tips to help you stand out, from optimizing your email strategies to fine-tuning your ad campaigns. These tips will set you up to maximize your results and drive strong performance during the biggest shopping season of the year. Get ready to take charge and achieve your best BFCM yet!

1. Strategize Early

The early bird gets the worm and the early e-commerce strategy gets the sales.

Begin by mapping out your overall strategy well before Black Friday and Cyber Monday. This should involve defining clear goals and metrics to track your success and figure out what you want to achieve with your campaigns, whether it’s increasing sales or driving more traffic.

Be sure to coordinate with all relevant teams—marketing, sales, and customer service—to make sure everyone is on the same page. This alignment will help you avoid any last-minute hiccups and tackle challenges with ease. 

By setting a solid foundation now, you’ll be ready to hit the ground running and stay ahead of the competition when the big days arrive.

2. Set Up Specialized Email Flows

Don’t let abandoned carts and price drops slip through the cracks. Start by setting up and fine-tuning your abandoned cart and price drop email flows. To do this, tools like Klaviyo are incredibly useful when it comes to automating these processes and making them work for you!

For instance, one of our clients in the media streaming sector saw impressive results by optimizing their abandoned cart timing, triggering 75,000 emails on the day their Black Friday sale began. 

This adjustment kept them top of mind and drove a significant portion of their revenue during BFCM, resulting in: 

Make sure your flows are designed to catch customers’ attention and encourage them to complete their purchases. Regularly review and adjust these flows based on performance to keep them effective throughout the holiday season. By acting now, you’ll turn missed opportunities into sales and stay ahead of your competitors.

3. Create Compelling Offers and Discounts

Stand out from the crowd by crafting deals that grab attention and encourage action. Start by designing offers that are too good to miss, like a BOGO or better yet, 50% off site-wide. 

  • Make sure your deals are visible and clear, using direct phrases such as “Limited Time Offer” or “Exclusive Black Friday Deal.” 
  • Highlight the value with messaging like, “Save $100 Today Only” or “Shop Now and Save Big Before Midnight!” 

Your goal is to make the offer clear and attractive, so customers know exactly what they’re getting and why they should act quickly. With enticing deals and straightforward communication, you’ll capture interest and boost sales. 

Start planning and designing these offers now to stay ahead of the competition and make your BFCM promotions a success.

4. Optimize Your Website for Traffic and Conversions

Get your website ready for the surge in traffic during Black Friday and Cyber Monday by focusing on speed, mobile optimization, and user experience. 

Aim for a website load time of under 2 seconds—slower sites can lose up to 87% of visitors! Test and improve your mobile responsiveness since nearly 60% of website traffic comes from mobile devices. 

Appearance and function are also important considerations when it comes to keeping your customers engaged on smartphones and tablets. You can easily improve user experience by simplifying navigation, using clear call-to-action buttons, and making the checkout process quick and easy. 

Make sure to design for both desktop and mobile. Desktop designs don't always translate perfectly to mobile, so putting in the effort to optimize for both will pay off significantly in the long run.

5. Leverage Data for Personalization

To make your marketing messages and offers hit the mark, use customer data to tailor your approach. Here’s how:

  • Purchase History: Know what your customers have bought before to suggest similar items.
  • Browsing Behavior: Track the products they’ve viewed but not purchased.
  • Demographic Info: Use age, location, and interests to make your offers relevant.
  • Engagement Metrics: See which emails they’ve opened or clicked on.

Focus on trends and popular products that align with your audience’s interests. For instance, if your data shows that your audience loves tech gadgets, highlight the latest electronics in your emails. If you cater to fitness enthusiasts, promote new workout gear or health supplements. By aligning your offers with what your customers are interested in, you'll capture their attention and achieve the sales you’re aiming for this season.

6. Test and Refine in Advance

To get the most out of your Black Friday and Cyber Monday campaigns, start by running A/B tests on various ad creatives and messages. Test different subject lines, images, and calls to action to see what grabs attention. For example, you might compare a bright, bold subject line with a more subtle one, or test a high-contrast image against a more muted one.

Monitor your results closely and look at metrics like open rates and click-through rates. Average open rates are around 32.55%, while click rates are about 2.03%. Use these benchmarks to gauge performance and adjust your campaigns based on what’s working best. By refining your approach before the big days, you’ll maximize your impact and drive the results you want!

7. Use Social Proof in Your Campaigns

Social proof is a psychological concept where people look to the actions and behaviors of others to guide their own decisions. In the context of your Black Friday and Cyber Monday campaigns, this means showcasing what others are buying, using, and loving to encourage potential customers to follow suit!

Start by highlighting your top-selling products—customers are more likely to buy what’s already popular. Include customer reviews and testimonials in your marketing materials to build trust and demonstrate satisfaction. Featuring trending items or popular categories can also create a sense of urgency and interest.

Another approach is to display recent purchases in real-time, like a pop-up that shows what others have just bought on your site. This not only adds credibility but also nudges potential customers to take action. By integrating social proof into your strategy, you can inspire confidence and increase your chances of capturing more sales during the holiday season.

8. Plan for Real-Time Adjustments

When Black Friday and Cyber Monday hit, things move fast, and so should your marketing strategy. To stay competitive, you need to be ready to make real-time adjustments to your campaigns based on how they’re performing. This means keeping a close eye on metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and sales conversions.

If you notice certain offers aren’t performing as expected, don’t be afraid to tweak your messaging or try a different approach. For instance, if a discount isn’t drawing the attention you anticipated, consider testing a limited-time offer or highlighting different products. Similarly, if your ads aren’t getting clicks, try adjusting the visuals or copy to better capture your audience’s interest.

The aim is to be flexible and responsive. By planning for these adjustments ahead of time, you can react quickly and keep your campaigns on track, even as the competition heats up.

9. Prepare Your Customer Support for Increased Demand

As the shopping frenzy picks up during Black Friday and Cyber Monday, your customer support team is going to be busier than ever. To handle the surge in inquiries without overwhelming your staff, make sure they’re fully prepared and supported. Start by setting up automated responses for common questions—this can take some of the pressure off your team while keeping customers informed and satisfied.

Consider expanding your support channels as well. Whether it’s adding live chat, extending hours, or increasing the number of support agents on duty, the goal is to make it as easy as possible for your team to manage the increased demand.

Remember, your support staff are on the front lines of customer interaction. By giving them the tools and resources they need, you’re not only helping your customers—you’re also making sure your team doesn’t face unnecessary stress during this busy time. A well-prepared support team will help keep your customers happy and your operations running smoothly.

10. Monitor and Analyze Performance

Regularly monitoring your campaign performance metrics is crucial to staying on top during Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Keep a close eye on key metrics like click-through rates, conversion rates, and return on ad spend. By tracking these numbers, you’ll gain insights into what’s working and what isn’t. Use this data to refine your strategies, whether it’s adjusting your ad targeting, tweaking your email copy, or changing your offer structure. The goal is to continuously optimize and make informed decisions that drive results. Stay agile, be ready to pivot, and use your performance data to keep your momentum going throughout the entire shopping season!


Early planning and strategy implementation are your ticket to dominating Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2024. By starting now, you set yourself up to outsmart the competition and maximize your success during the biggest shopping season of the year. 

Remember, these tips will help you prepare, but you don’t have to go it alone. The experienced team at Arctic Leaf is here to support you with bespoke packages tailored to your business needs. Whether you need a little guidance or full-scale assistance, we’re ready to help you achieve your best BFCM yet. Don’t wait—start preparing today!

Bonus: Keep track of your plans with our handy checklist!