
Case Study: Redwood Outdoors

Redwood Outdoors specializes in providing off-grid outdoor hot tubs and saunas to delight outdoor enthusiasts. To bring their customers closer to nature with their high-quality products, they were looking to refresh their website’s user experience. With the power of BigCommerce, we revamped their website from the ground up to offer an enhanced user experience that centers on customer satisfaction and accessible information.

  • Custom Design
  • UX Research & Prototyping
  • Custom BigCommerce Theme Development
Engagement Rate
Average Engagement Time
Sessions per User
At a Glance

What They Needed

Redwood Outdoors wanted to ensure their users could easily find the perfect item for their needs. This meant that without careful planning, their in-depth product information could overwhelm or distract potential buyers. Aiming to offer the best possible experience, they needed to keep things streamlined while keeping information accessible for customers deeper in the funnel.

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Full Site Redesign

How Arctic Leaf Helped

To guide users into an excellent buying experience, we began our redesign at the homepage. We ensured that the brand’s videos, user-generated content, and review carousels were all instantly visible to showcase the products and emphasize real customer satisfaction.

Following the homepage, we updated product pages to organize product information in a user-friendly layout. Rather than overwhelming users with a list of each product’s details, we created custom icons that the brand can use to highlight the main features and benefits on each product page. To further streamline the buying experience, we built intuitive accordion menus which allow users to explore details such as product specifications, warranty, and add-ons at their own pace. 

Beyond the products, Redwood Outdoors also wanted an updated customer service experience. We built custom FAQ and Product Assembly Manual pages with their own accordion menus to once again facilitate access to information. 

Quality User Experience

Mega Menu

To best serve the brand’s highly curated catalog, our team decided against adding a search function and instead focused on creating a brand new sleek and easy-to-use mega menu. As a result, customers are able to familiarize themselves with the brand and product options as they explore the categories at their own pace.

Affordable Options

Product Cards

In order to appeal to a wider range of customers, it was vital to emphasize Affirm as a payment option throughout the website – especially on product listing pages. We opted to highlight these additional financing options by including the Affirm icon and starting prices within each product card as well as including callouts on the homepage and as a sticky link under the main navigation.


What's Next

With the newly polished website live, our team is continually optimizing features and creating new pages to further flesh out the customer experience and bring potential buyers closer to the brand.

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1120 S Rackham Way, Suite 300
Meridian, ID 83642
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1505 Laperriere Ave #315
Ottawa, ON K1Z 7T1