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Mastering Cart Rebuilder: A Step-by-Step Guide

By: Arctic Leaf Team | Oct 4, 2024 | 5 Minute Read

Looking to improve your BigCommerce site’s performance? The Cart Rebuilder app in Klaviyo is key to converting abandoned carts into completed sales, especially with its powerful cross-device tracking capabilities. This blog will walk you through setting up the app, managing your data, and troubleshooting common issues. With clear, actionable steps, you’ll be ready to harness this tool to drive better results for your business. Let’s get started and turn those abandoned carts into valuable conversions!

What is the Cart Rebuilder App?

The Cart Rebuilder app for BigCommerce is designed to optimize your abandoned cart recovery strategy by providing real-time updates on cart activity. This tool integrates seamlessly with your BigCommerce store to track the most recent cart items and dynamically update email content. By using the Cart Rebuilder app, you can make sure that your abandoned cart emails always reflect the latest products and engage customers with relevant reminders.

Key Features:

  • Real-Time Cart Updates: Tracks and updates cart contents on every page load.
  • Dynamic Email Content: Populates emails with the most recent cart items.
  • Customizable Flows: Allows for tailored messaging and design.
  • Cross-Device Tracking: Ensures cart recovery across multiple devices.

This app is specifically designed for BigCommerce sites, providing powerful tools to improve cart abandonment recovery efforts. Its features allow you to efficiently manage abandoned carts and increase your chances of recovering lost sales.

Understanding Cart Rebuilder's Trigger Mechanism

The Cart Rebuilder app for BigCommerce triggers on every page load rather than just when items are added to the cart. This approach tracks the most recent items in a customer’s cart, so your emails display the latest cart content.

To set up your trigger and filters:

  1. Trigger Mechanism: This is activated on installation. The app activates on every page load. Whenever a customer loads a new page, it updates the cart data, capturing the most recent items.
  1. Filters: To effectively target users with your email flows, use the following filters:
    • 'Started checkout zero times since starting this flow': This ensures that users who move to the checkout stage but don't complete the purchase receive abandoned checkout emails, preventing them from getting both cart and checkout flows simultaneously.
    • 'Placed order zero times since starting this flow': This filter automatically removes users from the flow once they make a purchase.
    • 'Has not been in this flow in the last 4 days': This helps avoid overwhelming customers with multiple emails triggered by each page load, keeping your communication balanced and timely.

  2. Is Empty Trigger Split: Apply the ‘Is Empty’ trigger split to exclude users with empty carts. This way, your messages are sent only to those with items to recover, maintaining the relevance of your communications.

These steps help keep your abandoned cart emails accurate and engaging, tailored to reflect the most current cart activity in your BigCommerce store.

Integrating Cart Rebuilder with Existing Abandoned Cart Flows

Integrating the Cart Rebuilder app with your existing abandoned cart flows in BigCommerce is a straightforward process that helps keep your email communications aligned with the most recent cart updates. Here’s a step-by-step guide to update and customize your flows:

Adding the Trigger 

Use the Pre-Built Flow: A pre-built abandoned cart flow will automatically appear if the app is installed correctly in Klaviyo. This is the quickest and easiest option, with no need to clone manually, update triggers, or set filters.

Optional Manual Setup:

  • Clone Your Existing Flow: If you prefer, you can duplicate your current abandoned cart flow to keep your original setup as a backup.
  • Update the Trigger: Replace the existing trigger with the ‘UPDATED CART (CART REBUILDER APP)’ metric. This trigger activates on every page load, ensuring your flow stays updated with the latest cart activity.
  • Add the Trigger Split: Right below the trigger, add a trigger split. In the "dimension" field, search for 'isEmpty' and select the 'isEmpty' option. Under 'Type,' change it to 'Boolean,' and update the value to 'False.' This split ensures that only users with items in their carts will continue in the flow. 

Customizing Your Flow:

  1. Utilize Pre-Built Flows: Start with Cart Rebuilder’s pre-built flows and adjust them to fit your store’s requirements. This option already includes the correct trigger, trigger split, and filters, so your flow is ready to go with minimal setup. 
  2. Clone and Update (Optional): If you prefer, you can clone your existing abandoned cart flow and manually update the trigger to ‘UPDATED CART.’ This allows for a more tailored approach, but the pre-built option is faster and more straightforward.

By following these steps, you’ll make sure your abandoned cart emails reflect the most current cart items, boosting their relevance and impact.

Verifying Proper Setup

To ensure that your Cart Rebuilder app on BigCommerce runs smoothly, you must verify that your setup aligns with the correct configurations. This step is essential to ensure that your flow is working as intended and that you're seeing the expected results. 

Setup Confirmation:

To confirm your Cart Rebuilder app is properly set up for your BigCommerce site, verify that you’ve selected the correct trigger—‘UPDATED CART (CART REBUILDER APP)’—and configure your filters accurately. Ensure the ‘isEmpty = False’ trigger split and the filters are in place to filter out empty carts. 

Troubleshooting Common Issues:

If live previews or email firing seem inconsistent, it’s often due to user accounts and cart data differences. Only users with accounts and signed-in sessions will trigger flows accurately. If everything is set up correctly, emails will not be delivered to users with empty carts, as the trigger split and filters (e.g., 'placed order zero times' or 'started checkout zero times') will automatically filter them out. Check the account status and ensure your filters are properly configured to confirm that the flow triggers and delivers relevant content correctly.

Handling Duplicate Messages

Managing duplicate messages is essential to maintaining a positive customer experience. Duplicate emails can frustrate users and dilute the effectiveness of your cart recovery efforts. Here’s how to address and prevent duplicate messages, so your BigCommerce site delivers clear and timely communications.

Understanding Duplicate Messaging:

Duplicate messages often occur when users re-enter the flow due to multiple cart actions. To prevent this on BigCommerce sites, use the recommended flow filter: ‘Has not been in this flow in the last 4 days.’ This helps avoid sending multiple emails to the same user within a short timeframe.

Adjusting Flow Filters:

To manage email frequency and avoid sending duplicate messages, follow these steps:

  1. Add the Flow Filter:
    • Navigate to your BigCommerce abandoned cart flow settings.
    • Add the flow filter: “Has not been in this flow in the last 4 days.”
    • This filter prevents users from entering the flow again within a 4-day period, reducing the chance of repeat emails.
  2. Set the Interval:
    • Configure the time period based on your email strategy. A 4-day interval is often recommended, as it aligns with the length of most flow content.

Setting up these filters’ll keep your communications timely and relevant while preventing your customers from receiving duplicate messages.

Customizing Cart Rebuilder Flows

Cart Rebuilder allows you to customize your abandoned cart flows to fit your brand. Use the UPDATED CART (CART REBUILDER APP) trigger to capture the latest cart items and the included product block to insert these items dynamically into your emails. While the app provides a starting point, you have the freedom to tailor your messaging and design to create engaging, personalized content that aligns with your brand and encourages cart recovery!

Limitations and Compatibility

The CART REBUILDER APP is designed explicitly for cart-related abandonment flows in stores that use Klaviyo as their ESP and BigCommerce as their e-commerce platform. It’s not suitable for other types of abandonment scenarios.

  • Cart Abandonment Flows: Uses the UPDATED CART trigger.
  • Browse Abandonment Flows: Uses the viewed product trigger.
  • Abandoned Checkout Flows: Uses the started checkout trigger.

This focus makes it ideal for managing cross-device cart abandonment, allowing the cart to be rebuilt and recovered across any device rather than for browse or checkout abandonment.

Additional Resources

For more detailed information on the Cart Rebuilder app for BigCommerce, check out the Arctic Leaf FAQ.  Find answers to common questions and troubleshooting tips for BigCommerce users.